WebFeb 27, 2024 · 7. Restrict your experiments to the lab: Do not carry lab equipment home or to any other place for preparation or any other purpose. This could lead to contamination of the experiment as well as the other environment. It’s best to wash the clothes you’ve used in the lab before reusing them. 8. Web1. Be fit for work Advise your Supervisor/ Manager prior to starting work if you have any health issues (mind and body) which mean you are unfit to work. Watch this short …
12 Golden Rules for Safety at Work - alfran
WebWhat are the 8 safety hazards? There are 8 common workplace hazards that can kill or have the potential to result in a serious injury. They include working at heights, suspended loads, electricity, isolating equipment, hazardous materials, physical separation and barricading, fire and emergencies, and confined spaces. 7 goals of sentencing
Health and safety in sport - BBC Bitesize
WebExercise proper lifting techniques – Don’t try to work unless you are properly trained. Obey all warning signals and barricades – Working under unsafe conditions is very dangerous. Report any unsafe tools – Report equipment or any hazardous condition to the concerned supervisor. Inspect all equipment – Inspect scaffolds, ladders, lift ... WebNov 18, 2012 · Sebenarnya maksud dari Golden Rules Keselamatan apa sih? mengapa hal ini menjadi penting untuk diketahui karyawan sebuah perusahaan?…sederhana saja … Web1. Care about everyone’s safety – I will care about everyone’s safety, not just my own. 2. Use the correct PPE, tools and equipment – I will always wear the correct PPE for the task and use it in the correct manner. I will check tools and equipment before each use to ensure they are safe to use and fit for purpose. 3. 7 goals of global policing