Webprograms that provide non-medical care in accordance with therapeutic goals in the client’s care plan. Z8555 1.1 Hour Adult day care: provided to functionally impaired ... May be billed with aid codes 01, 02, 08, 0A, 10, 13, 14, 16 and 17 with and without 1F in the special . WebPeople between the ages of 21 and 65, without children, who are not pregnant, blind, or disabled and who do not fall into one of the above categories generally will not qualify for Medi-Cal. Individuals who do not qualify for Medi-Cal but need medical care and cannot afford to pay might qualify for county indigent health care services at a county …
Appendix 09 Medi-Cal Aid Codes - California Department of …
WebWhat are the SOC aid codes? Beneficiaries with share of cost obligations include, but are not limited to the following aid codes: 1Y, 17, 27, 37, 6R, 6W, 6Y, 67. LTC facility aid codes: 13, 23, 53, 63, may have a share of cost. If a member has an LTC SOC, the eligibility verification will indicate this. WebJan 1, 2013 · This allows for the presence of a full scope/regular Medi-Cal aid code on the Primary segment and an inmate aid code on the INMATE segment at the same time. In essence, both aid codes can now co-exist in MEDS. Active inmate aid code in MEDS take precedence over any other active aid code, including those aid codes on the Primary … 7 glass lamp shade
Appendix III, Medicaid Type Program Codes for STAR+PLUS …
http://www.primeclinical.com/docs/Intellect/aidcodes_z01c00.htm http://content.dcf.ks.gov/ees/KEESWebHelp/Medical_Aid_Codes.htm WebAid codes are a combination of the medical program, medical program subtype, individual medical subtype and SOBRA/Inmate indicators. Aid Codes are made up of 7 … 7 glassey street red hill