WebExercise proper lifting techniques – Don’t try to work unless you are properly trained. Obey all warning signals and barricades – Working under unsafe conditions is very dangerous. Report any unsafe tools – Report equipment or any hazardous condition to the concerned supervisor. Inspect all equipment – Inspect scaffolds, ladders, lift ... Web1. Care about everyone’s safety – I will care about everyone’s safety, not just my own. 2. Use the correct PPE, tools and equipment – I will always wear the correct PPE for the task and use it in the correct manner. I will check tools and equipment before each use to ensure they are safe to use and fit for purpose. 3.
Our Golden Rules - Safety - Health and safety - Balfour Beatty plc
WebIndustrial Safety Department TOTAL S.A. Headquarters: 2, place Jean Millier – La Défense 6 92078 Paris-La Défense Cedex – France Tel. +33 (0)1 47 44 45 46 Share Capital: 5 941 838 402,50 Euros Registered in Nanterre: RCS 542 051 180 www.total.com Safety at work TOTAL’S GOLDEN RULES WE COMMIT TO FOLLOWING THEM! see you at … WebJan 26, 2016 · Standard Precautions are used for all patient care. They’re based on a risk assessment and make use of common sense practices and personal protective … 7g of yeast is how many teaspoons
20 Workplace Safety Rules and Tips To Know Indeed.com
WebJun 4, 2024 · 10 Easy Ways to Improve Safety in a Manufacturing Work Environment. Here are 10 quick and easy tips for a safer manufacturing workplace. 1. Inform Supervisors of Unsafe Conditions. If you see something that could potentially hurt someone, remove the object or clean the area if you can do so safely. Otherwise, inform your supervisor. Web7. Take breaks Long periods of time without proper breaks can lead to a decrease in focus or alertness. This can possibly also cause a loss in productivity; make sure you are taking regular breaks within your work day. 8. Stay sober Drugs or alcohol cause a huge difference in productivity and affect your motor skills and judgment. WebProtective equipment. Do not access installations and perform work without wearing general or task-specific personal protective equipment (PPE). Collective protection is preferred. Individual protection completes preventive measures already taken. Work permits. Do not perform work without a valid work permit. 7 gold coast news catch up